3-440 Shin-Matsudo, Matsudo-city, Chiba
About a Career Counselling
We provide career guidance for higher education for each student. Class teachers help students prepare documents step by step.
Graduate Schools
Tokyo University of the Arts/Nihon University/Surugadai University etc..
Sophia University/Keio University/Gakushuin University/Ibaraki University/Toyo University/Daito Bunka University/Shibaura Institute of Technology/Asia University/Reitaku University/Ryutsu Keizai University/Dokkyo University/Chuo Gakuin University/Tokyo Denki University/Otsuma Women’s University/Ashikaga University etc…
Vocational Schools
Meisei Institute of Cybernetics/Japan Electronics College/Waseda International Business College/Tokyo Automobile University School/Chuo College of Technology/Gregg International College/JTB trabel &Hotel College/International Travel Hotel &Bridal College
※Academic achievement include our sister school
2014 April Student
I get up at 6 o’clock, get exercises, have a breakfast and preview. Then I go to school. After the class, I come back to my apartment, have a lunch, and review.
Then, I take a break and go to part time job from
6 to 11 o’clock.
After coming back home, I call my parents and go to bed.
Classes of MIC are very fulfilling.
The environment is also good.
Both teachers and students are very kind.
They give me advices about not only study
but also other problems and solve them.
I am very happy to be here.
Now I belong to N2 class. I study very hard.
For JLPT, I studied grammar, vocabularies, listening,
and so on.
A good point is I could learn many things
such as Japanese cultures and customs
besides Japanese language.
What I realized is it cost a lot. I cannot waste money.
Japan is a very convenient and good country.
But Japanese language is not easy as you think.
Study basic Japanese before you come to Japan.
If you study hard in Japan,
I believe you can succeed in your life.
Good luck, all new students.
Viet Nam
2014 October Student
I get up at 8 o’clock, have a breakfast and go to school.
Morning class starts from 9:00 to 12:30.
After classes, I have a lunch while reviewing
and a rest time.
After that, I continue to study Japanese.
After dinner, I go to part time job(22:00~6:00).
I study Japanese grammar , Chinese character (Kanji),
and composition.
Teachers also introduce Japanese customs.
I researched MIC and found out it is a good school.
I study Japanese very hard and practice
for examinations and interview.
Also I researched the school I decided to go.
Teachers helped me a lot.
For example, they helped me to prepare documents
and gave me interview simulations for practice.
If you study hard at MIC,
You will be able to do with anything in Japan.
Let’s make your dreams come true at MIC
2014 April Student
I get up at 7 o’clock, and go to school.
After school,I go to part time job.
After coming back home, I study for about 2 hours.
I study for JLPT and EJU.
I also learn how to write short essays
and research proposals and how to make presentations.
I participated in Matsudo Foreigners Speech Contest
and got a special prize.
I studied Japanese very hard in class.
Also I borrowed much kind of books to study by myself.
If you study hard at MIC,
You will be able to do with anything in Japan.
Let’s make your dreams come true at MIC
How do you spend your time with your friends?
I became friends with Chinese, Korean and
Nepali students.
With them I sometimes go out for drinking, enjoying karaoke, shopping and so on.
Please come to Japan with your dream and an ambition
to be successful.
2015 April Student
I go to school and enjoy studying Japanese
with my classmates.
After class, I go to Tokyo station and walk to
National Diet Library.
Till its closing time, I research and collect Japanese modern literatures and documents.
Then I go back home with enjoying a beautiful night view
around the Imperial Palace.
Last November, I searched Japanese language schools
in Matsudo and Kashiwa area and found out MIC.
MIC is the best school.That’s why I chose.
I study for JLPT N1 and entrance
into a school of higher grade.
For that, I tried to my best to memorize
a lot of difficult words and grammars.
At a library, I search documents and read books to prepare for entrance into a school of higher grade.
I translate my graduate theses.
I also write research proposal in inference
to materials which I found at a library.
Don’t forget your first resolution.
2015 April Student
I get up, have breakfast and go to school.
I have class from 9:00 to 12:30.
After school, I do what I love and study.
Composition, grammars and vocabularies of JLPT N1 level,
and so on.
I take N1, N2 and EJU class.
I go to part time job and sports club.
I have a fulfilling day every day
I practice interview at school.
MIC has a nice atmosphere.
There are students from different countries
and teachers are friendly and kind.
I believe you will be able to have fun for 2 years.
Viet Nam
2013 April Student
When I study at MIC Japanese Department, I found
there is a course that I want to learn.
Therefore I decided to go.
I study all subjects very hard. I concentrate to lectures.
When I can’t understand, I ask teachers immediately.
The most impressive thing was lessons.
Teachers were very kind to students.
Also, their lectures were easy to understand
and taught us with enthusiasm.
At first, I studied Japanese very hard.
Then, I researched much information on the internet
to understand the courses.
Also, Teachers gave me a chance to practice interview.
I could practice taking interviews thanks to my teachers.
Teachers gave me a lot of guidance.
For example, they suggested good schools,
explained about examinations.
They also gave me interview simulations for practice.
To all new students…for your future, have your goal,
study hard at school. You may have tough time,
but do your best.